Glossy Reflections in Photoshop | Photoshop Tricks

Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 1: First of all, Choose a Picture you want to create a reflection.
Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 2: Make a selection by using Pen Tool. See in the picture below.Then Create a new layer(Shift+Ctrl+N) and select Inverse(Shift+Ctrl+I) and fill it with white..
Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 3: Flatten the image then duplicate it by right clicking on layer and select duplicate Layer.Now duplicate the banana by using the magic wand and selecting the white part.Right click>layer via copy.
Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 4: Now Go to Image>Canvas Size and increase the vertical size(Apply setting according to your image)
Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 5: Make a new layer, and fill it with white, then place it at the very bottom.Go to Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical. Then select the transparent parts of the layer with the magic wand tool, then go to select>inverse.

Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 6:With the banana selected, make a new layer; place it on top of the reflected banana layer.Choose the gradient tool, and make sure that your background/foreground colors are black and white.
Check the "reverse" box.Make a new layer, and drag the gradient tool from the top of your selection to the bottom.

Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

Step 7: Now set the blend mode to screen and lower the opacity to 80%

Glossy Reflections in Photoshop

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